I’m posting this mostly because I NEVER remember when Gossip Girl is on and I do like to watch it ‘live’ once in a while. I ventured out into the world outside the workroom on Monday – Pages (stack of magazines), Get Outside (winter boots), King Textiles (stack of fabric) & Lee Valley (legs for my cube)…

I’m not ready for the holidays even though I’ve been spending my days getting everyone else ready for the holidays.


  1. Word on the street is that there is going to be a spin off series telling the love story of young Rufus and Lily…

  2. melissa – i’m now fully caught up and i just saw the trailer for the january episode. eek!!

    charlotte – i really really want rufus and lily to get together, they are just so sweet together. i’m going to have to do some digging on this rumour!

    smriti – there are too many acronyms to keep everything straight! i really wish i had PVR.

    rebecca – i’m so glad you’re loving it too!

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