It’s all business over here, so I thought I should dress the part today. It’s tax time and it’s one of the things I do not love about having my own business. All the accounting, paper work and tax stuff really eats up a lot of time.

Nevertheless, it was a good excuse for me to throw on this blazer that I got at the Love & Rummage Trunk Show from Jen. It’s so crazy cute. I just love the angular pockets and the tailored look. I’m not sure how old it is, but all the lining is stitched in by hand and there are weights inside the hem and tiny darts on the shoulders. It feels so great to wear something with such lovely workmanship.

Andrew bought us a huge full length mirror recently and I’m just realizing how amazing it is not to have to jump up and down or stand on a chair to see my entire outfit at once. It also means I can take much better photos of the clothing I make.

Okay, back to work for me!


  1. oh my. i really wish i could still fit in that thing i really do love it…but i am glad it is getting the public recognition it deserves. and i told you karyn that when i decided to bring it to the show i pictured you in it and here you are, picturing yourself in it. it’s all pretty magical.

    and i agree with becky – the pockets say 30s to me.

  2. Rachel – yes, those pockets! i’m so inspired to tackle doing more pockets this year. i think i usually try to avoid them.

    becky – it fits so well and for some reason i think it’s so crazy that i’m wearing something that someone in the 30s wore. i almost don’t believe it!

    michelle – good eye.. i love when the sunlight hits that top, it’s like a little light show.

    jen – what a thrill to buy special vintage clothing in my own shop. that blazer was exactly what my wardrobe needed. yeah!

  3. yay! more peeks into your lovely home!
    ew! tax time! Jin has to do his, and he keeps distracting himself, trying to avoid doing them! I have no idea what he has to do either, it looks like he is collecting a lot of papers.
    Your outfit looked wonderful in person! I loved the pairing of your shear top and the blazer!

  4. Very Stylish and well done Miss Karyn! As well as the purse I received via postmail.
    As always, I am totally amazed by your talent and creativity!
    More soon, very soon!

  5. I totally need a full length mirror, currently I have to stand on my bed and crouch to get an outfit perspective. And now that I bought new boots it is hard to admire them, it makes me look at myself in windows which can be embarassing.

  6. Karyn – I discovered your blog a few months ago and have been enjoying your creative ideas! Your description of viewing outfits pre-full length mirror has me giggling and comforted that I’m not the only one! Currently, my best option is perching on tiptoes on the edge of the bathtub to peer into the medicine cabinet mirror over the sink. Quite precarious – let’s just say the shower curtain rod has saved me from many a tumble! Enjoy your full length mirror and thanks for the inspiration!

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