Learning Curves Table Runner

Just in time for Spring, I’ve completed my new Learning Curves Table Runner. While I’ve sewn lots of curves in garments with sleeves, patchwork curves can be a bit daunting. This is where quilt master, Johanna Masko, always comes in to save the day. Just filter a new technique, pattern or idea through Johanna and it will come out being more efficient, logical and quick. the workroom is spoiled by her ability to simplify all things patchwork – English Paper Piecing, Machine Paper Foundation Piecing, Cathedral Windows, Double Wedding Ring Quilt, etc, etc.

This table runner is a fun and fast project. With just twenty blocks, I was able to practice my curved piecing enough to feel confident.  Following Johanna’s great insight and techniques, I finally understood what to adjust to get those curves pretty perfect.

I love how this quick project can give a new look to our dining room. Note to self : make more patchwork table runners.

Next up, Johanna’s take on the Lone Star quilt.  Superstar Quilt class starts tomorrow!

Learning Curves Table Runner

Learning Curves Table Runner

Learning Curves Table Runner


  1. Oh, I really like this Karyn! I was showing my guild a couple of techniques for putting together drunkards path blocks so I should really just assemble them into something practical. I love the colours you chose.

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