I was tagged a couple weeks ago by Leslie. It’s actually the first time I’ve been tagged and I wasn’t too sure what else there is that you don’t already know about me by now, except…

1. While I lived in New York, I designed Joan Collins‘ family holiday card one year. She was a friend of a friend. I met with her several times in person (She was really very nice) and put together a montage of photos of her children, her new husband and her. Actually Joan designed the card and I was just the hand that clicked the mouse. She also specified a very gothic font and a red gradient background to top it off. Eight hundred copies of the card were printed and mailed out to all her dearest celebrity friends and family. Let your imagination go crazy with this one, as it will never see the light of day through me.

2. I do no use an alarm to wake up. I used to have to drag myself out of bed every morning after hitting the snooze button thirty times. About four years ago, I just started waking up automatically early in the morning. Just like that, literally overnight my eyes just started popping open early in the morning. It’s harder in the winter with less light, but having a couple hours in the morning to start my day is so lovely. (although somehow I still end up running late for work)

4. I really enjoy movies with monkey characters in them. Especially older ones. My favourites include: The Barefoot Executive (with Kurt Russell) and Monkey Business (with Marilyn Monroe & Cary Grant).  I still haven’t seen Monkeys Go Home and I really want to.

4. I keep a photographic pillow journal.

5. I was terrified of public speaking when I was in elementary school. Every year when ‘speech time’ rolled around, I would dutifully write a speech and every year, I would be ‘sick’ on the day I was supposed to give my speech. My grade eight teacher wouldn’t let me get away with this trick and forced me to do my speech in front of the class. I cried through the entire speech, so I doubt anyone could understand a word I said.

6. One of my favourite things to do is have a bowl of ice cream in bed before I go to sleep. Actually, I just like eating in bed. Sweet things are best – pie, candy, jello or cake.

I’m sure I’m supposed to tag someone else, but how about any of you sharing just one thing that I don’t know about you? That seems fair.


  1. Is it bad that the image of a mini Karyn crying through a speech is totally adorable to me? Of course, I’m totally picturing Peanuts-style crying — head thrown back, huge tears, etc.

    My one thing, because I don’t think I’ve mentioned it: the whole “fieldguided” thing. It’s a word that popped into my head once when I was trying to sign up for a Gmail account. I wanted my first name dot last name, but it was taken (there are something like six people with my exact name on Facebook). I was only going to use the Gmail for storage, so I started thinking about words I liked. Anyhow, it just popped into my head, I added a “d.” It’s pretty much meaningless, although, sure, yeah, I like field guides, especially the classic Peterson one on birds. When I started my Etsy shop, I considered a few other user names I’ve used here and there, townandcountry or politeplural. All meaningless!

  2. Oh and I hope you like the sandwich! We stole the idea from this wonderful grilled sandwich we had at Patachou. We don’t have a panini press but we squish our sandwiches in this tiny George Foreman grill we got for Christmas, haha!

  3. What exactly is a photo pillow journal? You take photos of your pillows? Odd but interesting.

    About me: I love the smell of the forest. I wish I could bottle it in some form.

  4. When I was twelve years old two of my favourite things were the movie Clue and Steven King novels. When I think back to my childhood, I think I was a really weird kid.

  5. One thing that most people don’t know about me is that I’m petrified of heights. The thought of going up the tall ladder at work makes me want to cry. I’ve been up the CN Tower, but the ladder is far worse.

  6. It’s shocking some of the things we get away with in the name of education…who thought that experience would somehow contribute to your development as a person?

    I once kind-of stowed away on a plane to Bolivia…in some post earthquake confusion about who had tickets and who didn’t.

  7. awwwwwww…how cruel and awful that teacher was 🙁

    You know what’s weird, I hate public speaking but love karaoke.

    OK – one thing about me: When I was 16 I bought my first car but I didn’t have enough money for insurance. I tried to save up $$ but by the 2nd week I was too impatient so I went and stole license plates off a car parked in my school’s parking lot. The plates belonged to a car from California which I thought was so cool. I drove around with these plates on my uninsured car for two weeks. Then one of our neighbours finked on me and my dad took the plates off and threw them away. Not one of my more well thought out plans…

  8. awwww… I hate public speaking too. I still hate it. I either end up drawing blanks or start speaking very fast about unrelated things. I remember once back in Gr. 5 when a teacher wouldn’t let me get away with it. and force me to do my speech from the back of the class room (so no one was looking AT you, the teacher thought that might make it easier). I sat in the front of the class room, and I remember dragging my feet and felt like I was going to get beheaded. Of course everyone looked at me as I walk. I remember one boy smiled and whispered “you’ll be great, no worries.” and somehow I got through it!

    One thing most people don’t know about me (even the ones that do know forget 80% of the time): I have hearing disability, I cannot hear anything from my right ear. Depending on the noise level around me and where people are speaking to me from, I might or might not hear anything at all. I wasn’t born like this, I lost my hearing due to illness when I was 8. Over the years, I have relearned my sense of balance and how to position myself so I can hear the most of what’s going on. Hence the staying very close to Karyn during classes. Really, I wasn’t just trying to get into you personal space… maybe just a little.

  9. I think most people don’t know and are maybe surprised to find out that I like wrestling. I was pretty hooked in high school; even sat 4th row at a Wrestlemania at the SkyDome. I also did an internship there around the same time, during which I got to meet the rock and had my photo taken with “Scotty 2 Hotty”. The photo hung proudly in my locker for many years.
    I am not an aggressive person, nor do I find men in tights attractive, so I have never been sure where my fixation began!

  10. I just love the pillow journal… did you come up with that concept on your own? Or had you seen it before?

    There is something so facinating about those simple pictures of pillows with head-squishes in them!

  11. Joan Collins? funny what life can bring!

    one thing about me: i met my hubby on the queen street car. we locked eyes waiting in front of the parkdale library-just across from the workroom.

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