365 : 74

365 : 74

March 15, 2011 : Spring haircut by Darrell Walsh

Hello! This is my first official 365 post of the year. Yep, I’ve got 73 photos I need to post to catch up for the year. But in case you thought I had abandoned the project, I wanted you to know I’m still doing my daily photo. One thing I’m trying to do with my 365 this year is to share my favourite local places and people.

Haircut day is something I look forward to. I’ve been seeing Darrell for 15+ years and he’s the best. Since we’ve been together so long, I don’t really have to tell him what to do and I always leave happy. Haircut day is also the only time my hair gets dolled up and this time he made it full of cute curls. Now I just need some cute spring tops & dress to go with my new hair!

Darrell is at Solo Bace if you’re looking for a spring pick-me-up.


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