Quilting Happiness

I’m really honoured to be taking part in the Blog Hop for Quilting Happiness by Christina Lane and Diane Gilleland. The book hits stores on August 27, but you can pre-buy it now! Quilting Happiness is a collection of 16 quilts and 4 small projects, interspersed with creative exercises, quizzes, tools, and stories to help you explore your delight in quilting.

We were given the exercise of creating a collage to help determine our personal quilting style. I decided to use my Pinterest Boards to find my most recent images and create a digital collage. I very rarely buy magazines anymore and I use Pinterest ALOT. It has really become a huge resource of images, colour palettes, ideas and recipes for me. I took a look through my recent pins and could immediately see that many of the images were coordinated in colour palette and feeling. Lots of soft colours and shades of orange and peach right now. I really like clean lines and simplicity. I’ve been trying to be more colourful with my palettes this year to break out of my grey & blue tendencies which is really difficult for me! I’m getting slightly more adventurous with my colour choices, but I still tend to choose softer colours.  I can see clearly that I’m drawn to nature and floral imagery, as well as painterly textures. Art has always been a big inspiration for me.

I thought it would be interesting to pull out my visual diaries from about 10 years ago to see how I felt about those paper collages and whether or not my taste and style has changed since then. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was still really excited by collages I had made so long ago. Most of the pages are still very inspirational to me and I even see lots of similar colour ideas.

I can’t wait to get a copy of Quilting Happiness, I love the idea behind this book. Taking time to explore and appreciate how quilting can bring you so much joy and happiness in your life seems like the perfect thing to do.

Visit all the other blogs that participated in the Blog Hop this week. I’ve loved getting to see everyone else’s collages.

From my Pinterest collage above : Courthouse Steps Quilt, Chair, Floral Embroidery, Floral Stationery, Vogue Dress Pattern, Yellow Filing Cabinets, Landon Metz Painting, Girl with Umbrella, Shibori Dress, Japanese Smocking, Crafty Desk

Visual Diary

Visual Diary

Visual Diary

Visual Diary


  1. What a great idea! I find it so hard to define my personal style. A collage of favorite things seems perfect! Challenge accepted!

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