First. Thank you for the super positive response on my cross stitch pendants! I’m so happy you like them. Seriously. Yeah!! I definitely want to make sure you can get your hands on some blanks, so that I can see what amazing things you’ll do with them. Stay tuned for the refined versions that will be for sale, very soon. (NOTE : You can buy them here now!)

Next. Okay, these are not the completed arcs, they are just the arc segments. I still have a wee bit of homework to do before my next Double Wedding Ring Quilt class on Thursday. So far, I’m on track and amazed (again) at how smart our teacher, Miss Johanna is. Look at how cute those 216 little pairs are!

I found some wonderful vintage quilt inspiration here. {via Inspiration Resource}

And I spent way too long browsing through all the lovely colour-arranged photos here. Gorgeousness.


  1. Hey, thanks for the link. I’m not a quilter but those vintage quilts were so gorgeous.
    I really love your blog and have been reading for a while. I keep wishing we had something like the workroom here in Vancouver.

    BTW Those wooden cross stitch pendants are fan.tas.tic.

    Take care.

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