New Shoes, originally uploaded by the workroom.

Ayalah asked me the other day where I shop for shoes in Toronto. I had to pause and think for a minute because I do my serious shoe shopping when I go to New York. My answer in the end was Value Village. It’s definitely not something you can count on, but if you are persistent, the twentieth time you check the shoe section you’ll find a gem pair in your size. After I snapped up these vintage tan lovelies at Village des Valeurs on Monday, I ran smack into this ‘just arrived today’ pair of grey/neon runners at Stolen Riches on Queen. I did not even hesitate. When you average the cost of both pairs together, it just makes practical sense. Do you have these clever rationalizations too?

p.s. My fav NYC shoe stores
1. Coclico – 275 Mott Street
2. Sigerson Morrison – 28 Prince Street
3. Tootsi Plouhound – 273 Lafayette Street


  1. Oh dear, Karyn. I wish you hadn’t listed those shoe websites. I think I’m in love. With too many pairs. (Especially these Sigerson Morrison boots here…) They look like ballet shoes with tall spats!

  2. A couple of months ago I got these little jazz-like shoes from eBay and ended up getting into a bidding war and had to pay $80 for them, but I justified it by telling myself about all the money I’d saved by buying lots of shoes from VV. I do that all the time. Aaaaand that’s why I’m so totally broke these days.

    My favourite VV is the one at Wilson and Keele (my parents live nearby, so I go when I visit). It’s smaller, but I always find stuff there. There’s also this really hilarious manager who works there who wears the craziest eye makeup and who walks down the aisles singing her head off.

    I’m not really a sneaker person but those are amazing!

  3. melinda – I love those boots! Every winter Sigerson Morrison has a crazy sale where everything is marked down to $100 in their shop. One year I lined up for two hours in below zero temperatures in hopes that a particular pair of boots I had been eyeing would be on sale. I almost froze my toes off! The boots weren’t there, but I went home with a lovely pair of wine-coloured mary jane heels and a matching leather over-sized bag.

    Anabela – I do the same thing when I overbid on something on ebay. I’m sure this is the mentality used in the stock market, as well. Sometimes you buy high and sometimes you buy low and over time it all works out. I’m sticking to this, it keeps me guilt-free!

  4. there’s a new VV at Keele & Rogers, and it’s the best! i saw some authentic sari fabric in bright turquoise with gold embroidery, metres and metres of it for $40 i think… and there’s the cutest housewares. i didn’t take the time to check out the shoes, but i bet there are some good finds.

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