Oh dear. Look at what happens when someone leaves a tray of delicious cupcakes in my possession!

1. I pretty much eat them all
2. I figure out a way to eat both flavours at once

Thank you, Heather. They are so delicious separately and together!

Has anyone else done this? Do you have weird flavour combinations that you like together?


  1. I don’t think chocolate & peanut butter is weird. I just finished making a double batch of peanut butter cookies, split to add chocolate chips to half. Chocolate and peanut butter is classic.

    Is Orange and chocolate weird? or peanut butter and bananna (sandwiches toasted)

  2. Hi Karyn! Ooh, you’re making me hungry. I love the classic combos. I got these incredible “handmade” marshmallows from Whole Foods recently and one of those guys in a cup of dark hot chocolate is the best thing ever.

  3. Chocolate and peanut butter is the best combo! In fact, today I treated myself to (what I thought) was a chocolate chip/peanut butter cookie. (actually it was an espresso chocolate chip cookie….not nearly as good!)
    I like a nut butter melted with butter and honey and drizzled on popcorn…mmmmm…bring on the movie!

  4. Rachel – no, you’re right pb & chocolate is not weird, but it got me thinking that there might be some more original flavour combinations out there that needed discovering. i LOVE toasted sandwiches, especially peanut butter. with bananas is totally delicious.

    anabela – i have a definite weakness for hot chocolate and have to admit i haven’t had handmade marshmallow yet. i don’t know what i’m waiting for! i will buy some asap… or make some!

    beth – oh, what a yummy idea. i really love popcorn (not as much as my brother does). but i’ve never done anything as creative honey and nut butter! sounds delicious.

  5. Those cupcakes look delicious! I just bought non-natural peanut butter to make the pb and jelly cupcakes out of the February Martha Stewart Living issue. I love peanut butter!! I need to try that pb-drizzled popcorn… two of my favourite things together!

    My sister’s favourite pb cookie recipe is one that calls for an entire jar of peanut butter… Now that is hardcore!!

    As for flavour combos, if there are marshmallows involved in any way, I’m going to eat it! (I tried the Reeses peanut butter cups with the layer of marshmallow, but there was not nearly enough marshmallow to make them worthwhile. Go big or go home!)

    I’ve just realized that the longest blog-reply I’ve ever left is entirely about peanut butter… How embarrassing…

  6. In June, Martha Stewart will follow up her “Cookie” book, with a cupcake one, and word has it, there’s a huge section of all things peanut butter in it; and around it, and in the middle of, and probably iced too!

    Not cupcake related, but an unusual flavour combo stumbled upon, is for Prosecco and lychee cookies by bakery The Jewels of New York.

    I’m entirely curious.

  7. One thing I love to eat are lemons with a bit of salt sprinkled on top. I cut the lemon like an orange and eat it in sections. My husband thinks this is the most disgusting thing ever and is horrified every time I eat this “snack.” It’s like a train wreck, he can’t look away. Other than that, I would pretty much eat anything covered in dark chocolate and marshmallows.

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