Since the underwear class, I’ve been obsessively thinking about making more. Alas, I am not ‘allowed’ to spend time making underwear right now. There are too many other projects & tasks that rank higher priority and need completing before starting something new. Plus, I would really like to give myself an entire day to draft up some new patterns and make a few more pairs from the patterns we used in class. I still can’t believe how comfortable and cute they are.

While running some errands today, I did allow myself to stop at Mokuba (aka. ribbon & trim heaven) and indulge in some lovely trims for my future underwear making. It took a lot of willpower to stop from buying much more. That store is dangerously enticing. I left there wanting to trim absolutely everything I make from now on.

I’m also allowed to do ‘research’, so have been surfing around Agent Provocateur, Strumpet and Pink and Stella McCartney for inspiration.


  1. Okay, of course, I am loving these photos, especially the first. Sigh. Mokuba! I went there recently and managed to spend $40 in five minutes. I bought remnant elastic ribbon (beautiful, soft, lovely elastic ribbon) ribbon and half a of meter of some gold leaves trim. I left in a bit of a daze.

  2. Hii,
    This elastic is really nice. I live in the caribbean and I was thinking ordering some do u know how I can order it online??

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