Stylish Dress Book #2

Today is Trunk Show day!

I kept telling myself that I would ‘wait’ before ordering the second Stylish Dress Book, but then it just seemed silly to keep waiting and deny myself valuable time to ogle the pages of yet another Japanese dress book. Even if I haven’t had time to make anything out of it yet, I have enjoyed some good old fashioned day dreaming about which ones I will be making in the very near future.

Right now, ‘S’, is the front runner.

Stylish Dress Book #2
Now available at the workroom


  1. Those dresses are just gorgeous. I just got my first sewing machine and I can’t wait till the day I’m good enough to take on the challenge of sewing something ‘in Japanese’. Looking forward to see your version the ‘S’ dress.

  2. I can see U and Z on you very easily.
    ps. i’ve been “bitten” by the twighlight bug. i’ll blame that for not getting to the trunk show today. hope it went well.

  3. Karyn this is going to be so lovely on you! I second Melissa’s post – I have a book as well that I am too scared to tackle it. If not a class, then maybe you could offer a support group?

    Happy Day Off (I hope) Karyn – the Show was wonderful and it was so good to see you!

  4. hola!me encantan estos vestidos, pero tengo dudas…..hay una traduccion en ingles???? o el idioma es solo japones….

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