Happy Homemade Vol. 3
ISBN 9784579112470
purchased from Pomadour’s Craft Cafe

I went to Quilt Market in Houston, Texas over the weekend. It was both fun and exhausting looking at fabric and quilts for two days straight. I have lots to tell, but I haven’t even downloaded the photos off my camera yet. Soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to share my latest etsy purchase. I didn’t realize there were more volumes in the Happy Homemade series until Marilou brought her copy to the Japanese Dress Book class at the workroom. Of course, I had to have it for my collection. They’ve broken the book down into sections, showing variations on a basic style for each one. More and more, I’m wanting to customize parts of these patterns, so this layout is very helpful for mix and matching different pieces. ‘C-1’ basic is my favourite.

p.s. Today is the workroom‘s two year anniversary! Hooray! It’s also my birthday, my parents’ anniversary and Liz, Ashley & Esther’s birthday!


  1. Happy Birthday Karyn!
    Happy Anniversary too!

    I hope you have a wonderful week of celebration.
    off to look for this Happy Homemade collection…

  2. Happy birthday Karyn and congratulations on two fabulous years at The Workroom! You’re a crafty inspiration. 🙂

    Glad that you’re enjoying HH Vol. 3. I can’t stop making clothes from Japanese dress books since you showed us how at the class. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  3. Happy Birthday Karyn and congratulations on the workroom’s anniversary. Love your work – wish I could come and visit (if only it wasn’t on the other side of the world!!)

  4. Happy Birthday, and a big congratulations on two years!!!

    I have only recently stumbled across your blog, and I love it,
    The inspiration that it gives me and your willingness to share your craft and enthusiasm with others is really lovely. thank you for sharing

    hope you had a great day yesterday

  5. Happy Birthday Karyn! Happy Birthday Workroom! Happy Anniversary Parents! And happy birthday other people I don’t know! So wish I could go to the party! Hope everyone has a wonderful night!

  6. Happy Birthday Karyn! I hope your day was filled with tons of cake, love and presents.

    Congratulations also on two awesome years of The Workroom. I wish you continued success.

    I wish I could have been there to celebrate all the good stuff but this darn work think got in the way. Hope you have a great night and a fab birthday week.

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