Rosalyn's Crafty Wish List

I wish I had a metre of Liberty for each of you sweet friends! Yesterday’s winner was comment #26 from Jennifer Ashley who said, “The Mirabelle is gorgeous – I would make a little bonnet and perhaps a tooth fairy pillow from the remnants for my Granddaughter Isabella.” A Liberty bonnet?!! I hope I get to see a photo when its done.

Last, but never least is Rosalyn‘s Crafty Wish List…

  • The tiny floral print from the new French General ‘Rouenneries‘ collection colour 14 because there’s only a little bit left and it’s super cuteeeeeee. A lil’ nostalgic, it reminded me of  cabbage patch clothing my mom made me, right when I saw it!
  • A long Omnigrid ruler because 6″ x 12″ isn’t long enough. I can also use it for the quilt I need to work on
  • the 2nd tiniest pompom makers (35mm x 45mm) because I want to make tails for stuffed animal bums

For today’s giveaway, you get to choose what you’d like from Rosalyn’s list! A metre of French General fabric? An Omnigrid ruler you don’t have? A Clover tool that’s missing from your sewing kit? If I have it in stock, you can have it. Today, just let me know what you’d choose off the list and then tell me what your favourite holiday food is. For me the food is one of the best parts of the holidays, it’s the best excuse to eat things like baked brie. (which is my favourite holiday food) Since I have so much more crafting to do, I’m trying to focus on the delicious rewards to come rather than stressing out.

Leave a comment today (answering the questions from above) before midnight and I’ll announce the final winner tomorrow.

Rosalyn's Crafty Wish List

Rosalyn's Crafty Wish List


  1. Oh, another beautiful selection and a great wish list. Again, I would pick fabric. You can never have enough of it. Especially this beautiful one.
    As for food, breakfast is my favorite. This year there will be cinnamon rolls. But it is not as much about food as it is the smell in the house while they bake, the festive feel of the holiday, coffee, pjs,…

  2. I would pick the fabric! It is just so beautiful. I have a few favorite holiday foods, stuffing is one for sure and also mince tarts. My mum always makes them, and only at this time of year so they really feel like the holidays to me.

  3. Oooh, I’d choose the fabric for this one! And my favourite holiday food would probably be something like homemade shortbread. Yum!

  4. I would pick the fabric – French General is such a pretty collection!
    My favourite holiday food is the Christmas bread that my mother and I have baked together every year since I was little. We still have the old Canadian Living magazine that featured the recipe in the early 80’s!

  5. Another great list! I’d go for a ruler, as I don’t think you can ever have too many. I love the one I have, but I’d love to have one that’s square… seems like it would make it much easier to square up quilt blocks!

  6. oops,… in my haste to post about my love of rules, I forgot to answer the other question! My favorite holiday food… christmas cookies, definitely. I love all the variety. My favorites might be Russian Tea Cakes. Yum!

  7. Oooo the fabric definitely! My favourite holiday food is nice a juicy roasted goose with super crispy skin. I love the anticipation of it while it’s roasting and how the house slowly begins to fill with the aromas from the roast! Mmmmm I’m hungry now!

  8. The fabric is gorgeous so I think I’d have to choose that one if I won.

    It’s funny I was just thinking yesterday how I equate brie with the holiday season (and vice versa)! Not that brie doesn’t make an appearance in my life other times of the year;)

    I also love to bake this time of year – cranberry & orange scones for christmas morning and rosemary & walnut shortbread for the rest of the time. As well, I also love my family’s christmas morning breakfast tradition of bagels, lox (from salmon caught by my husband) and cream cheese with lots of coffee. Sooo excited!

    thanks again for sharing.

  9. I’d definitely love a metre of Rouenneries; I only have two fat quarters from the collection (which I bought at The Workroom) and need more!

    My favourite holiday food would definitely be baked brie and cranberry in phyllo! My Mum and I have this every year and it’s so good!

  10. I’d choose the ruler! I want to teach myself how to quilt! Although… I was eyeing the pom-pom maker in your shop!

    My fave holiday food is roast beef — my family subs roast beef for turkey.

  11. Oh, a metre of that lovely Rouenneries, it would be a cheerful lining to a purse, or a delicate stripe along a cabbage flowered summer skirt – mais oui! Favourite christmas food – stuffing, also know as dressing in my family, stuffed in the turkey but also baked in a pan – with lots of summer savory. Last night three of us were oooing like teenage girls over thoughts of summer savory…

  12. Oh, I’d love some French General fabric, because their style is sooo me! My favorite holiday food is Russian Tea Cakes because the recipe came from my Mom, so it brings to mind wonderful memories. Thanks for your giveaways!

  13. I’d pick the ruler, so I can start learning how to quilt. I just found out we’re expecting, and I’d love to make a baby quilt!

    And my favourite holiday food is stollen..with yummy marzipan in the middle.

  14. I am in desperate need of the clover chalk pencil in a colour other than white. Probably the hot pick one. and my favourite holiday food? My mom’s delicious prime rib roast. She makes it all the time, but since I no longer live at home, it is a Christmas specialy for me! Merry Christmas to all the lovely ladies at the workroom!

  15. Oh wow, I would love to have a meter of French General fabric. I’ve been wanting some ever since I came across French General’s book, Home Sewn – 30 Projects for Every Room in the House at a little shop in Guelph. All of her fabric are to die for! Beautiful.

    This may not be fair, but my favourite holiday food would be the traditional Philippine dishes that my Mom makes for all of us kids! Pansit, rice, string bean adobo, palitaw, mmm! It’s really difficult to choose just one, because all the flavours compliment each other so beautifully. It just wouldn’t be the same if i ate any one dish on it’s own!

  16. Oh the ruler, definitely, because I’ve just started a quilt and my only ruler is not up to the task. My favorite holiday food is probably just the ham. I love a big baked glazed ham, and all the wonderful leftovers to make soups with! And homemade rolls and all the baked goods are wonderful. I love making Russian tea cakes, sugar cookies, and spice cookies with my family.

  17. Oh i’d definitely choose the fabric, just cause you can never have enough 🙂

    My favourite holiday food is all the Maltese treats I get when we are at my mom’s/ grandpa’s house. The cheese filled pastries probably top the list!


    ps – i’m making a baked brie for christmas eve at my mom’s tomorrow! I’ll let you know how I make out with my first experience!

  18. I’d take the Rouenneries in a red hot minute! And my favourite holiday food is latkes with sour cream (not applesauce, boo) because that’s what you eat at Chanukah!

  19. My favorite holiday food is my dad’s lentil soup with shredded pork that he makes every Christmas Eve! I know it’s sort of sacrilegious to eat that on Christmas eve but it’s so delicious.
    I would choose the ruler so I can learn to make a quilt (my new years resolution!).

  20. This is the first time I’ve heard of a pompom maker – but I’m thoroughly convinced I need one! My favorite holiday food is my mom’s custard pie. Yum!

  21. I love that fabric, it’s gorgeous. My favorite holiday food, it’s a toss up between my Oma’s tamales and my best friend’s Yulekage (christmas bread). Usually, I don’t have to pick–but this year I’ll be missing the tamales.

  22. Lovely lists all!

    I think I’d be most excited by a new ruler or a Clover felting tool. (Did I just say I’d be excited about a ruler?)

    And my favourite Christmas food… oh, such a hard thing to narrow down… I think homemade cranberry pudding with butter cream sauce tops the long, long list.

  23. I would choose the ruler 🙂

    For me, my favorite holiday food is the italien stuffed shells my very italien Grandfather feeds me on boxing day at 8am, 11am, 2pm, and then as I’m heading out the door its… “whats’a’wrong, you don’t like your grand-papas cooking, why don’t you want anothah shell? You take two, on for you on the car ride and one for when you get home”! Even though I’ve downed my share of stuffed shells throughout the 8 course marathon italien meal I always leave with more.

  24. My favourite holiday food would have to be turkey-stuffing-mashed potato trifecta…with a side of gravy.

    Another terrific give away! Of all the things on Rosalyn’s list, a metre of the French General fabric would be lovely!

  25. Hum, I think I’d choose pompom makers..because I don’t know how to make pompom yet! And I’d like to make a garland with them.
    My favourite holiday’s food is gingerbread! I love how it tastes. Here in Brazil we generally bake peru at Christmas and in some places they make “rabanada”. In my city “rabanadas” are unusual, however, is commonplace to make Christmas cookies, because there are a lot of german’s descendents here.
    Merry Christmas!

  26. i would choose the rouenneries – it’s such a beautiful print! my favourite holiday foods (can’t stop at one) would be the turkey and scalloped potatoes. i love how fabulous the house smells when the turkey is cooking and the potatoes are just so delicious and rich – yum!

    happy holidays!

  27. Homemade dark chocolate truffles! You can be creative by adding all kinds of extracts and liqueurs…have a tray with various toppings such as ground nuts and coconut flakes, etc and involve everyone to make their own truffles.
    As for the giveaway, I could really use the long ruler.
    Merry Christmas!

  28. Mashed potatoes. Always the mashed potatoes with my parent’s gravy. It’s worth the drive home! I’d pick the super long ruler. I was just saying last night (last minute gift making at 2am) that I need a really long ruler. Have a fab holiday, Karyn! Enjoy!!

  29. Every time I see that fabric (and any of the Rouenneries prints) I am giddy with all the possibilities! I would love to have it in my small but gradually expanding stash!

    My favourite food at this time of year is definitely fruit mince pies – home made of course!!

    Merry Christmas to you Karyn, and everyone at the workroom!

  30. Ooooh, fabric with carnations, I love them in a vase and I’d like to sew something from it…
    My favorite xmas food this year are cookies, cookies, cookies. When I bake them, the heavenly smell fills the whole house and the warmth from the oven feels so good too. Since I just can’t eat so many cookies ;), I give them as gifts to my friends. I hope they will like them too!
    And wish you a lovely Christmas!

  31. The fabric would be esp. delicious. And speaking of delicious, I am a fan of all the Christmas goods and trims together. Specifically, mashed potatoes, mushroom gravy, green beans, and something cranberry. Together. Delightful.

  32. I would go with the fabric. It’s so cute!
    My favourite Christmas food is buttermilk blueberry pancakes and sausages on Christmas morning. With orange juice and a side of fresh fruit. It’s nice having a homemade breakfast on such a festive occasion.

  33. The fabric. The fabric is fantastic.
    The food. Belgium cookies, or Empire cookies as they’re sometimes called. Silky sweet icing: top layer. Rich buttery sugar cookie: second layer. Tart raspberry jam: third layer. Additional rich buttery sugar cookie: bottom floor. Batches of these can easily disappear around me during Christmas.

    I would choose the fabric – I love that line and I just adore fabric. Plus, I just got an early Christmas gift of a rotary cutter and mat with ruler! So my tools needs are filled to overflowing with joy right now.
    So. Food. I just love all the cookies, truly. I put a recipe and picture of my kids and me, making cookies this year, on my blog. And we are going to bake a ham for Christams and I get an especially big local one and then I use all the leftovers for months. . .

  35. I’d pick the ruler, since I’m fairly new at cutting fabric with the rotary cutter, and definetely always seem to be needing a longer ruler!

    My favourite holiday food is probably Panetone bread, which is AMAZING when it’s toasted up and all smeared with butter. I think I ate a whole loaf in about a week and a half and sadly self banished myself from getting anymore 😛

  36. The RULER! I agree…6″ x 12″ is not long enough. Oh but that fabric is really sweet too!
    My favourite holiday recipe is for these triple layer squares . I’ve made them once already this month and will make another batch tomorrow for Christmas day – YUM!

  37. Oops! I forgot to say what my favourite holiday food is! We make a version of homemade bits and bites (or nuts & bolts – depending on what side of the country you live!)… it’s my dad’s grandmother’s recipe, called Scramble, and it is basically a yummy mixture of crackers, cereals, nuts and pretzels smothered in oil, worcestershire sauce, seasoning salt, and baked for about 3 hours. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to dig in! It is made and hiding in the cupboard so that I don’t eat it all before Xmas!

  38. Yay… Rosalyn has a wish list too! I definitely love the Omnigrid ruler on her list. The one I own is too short when I cut fabric on my cutting mat. My favourite holiday food is my mom’s red wine meatballs. We’ve had this dish since I was a kid, and it’s always delicious!

  39. Ooooo, the fabric please! But if I don’t win and the winner picks one of the other two, can I have the fabric? Just kidding (kind of).
    I am looking forward to cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning…lots of icing!

  40. I’d like a meter of the French General fabric to make matching potholders. I just finished my Masters degree and now it’s time for me to establish a place, and kitchen, of my own. My family has given me a cookbook or two, an apron, and a teapot to start!

    My favourite holiday food is the green bean dish my Texan uncle makes (we joke that he’s an ‘outlaw’ of the family…he married my father’s sister, hehe). Green beans with bacon fat and spices= sinfully divine. And my aunt, his wife, always makes a pear salad with a cream cheese based filling for each pear half. We only eat those dishes at Christmas. Scrumptious!

  41. I think I need more fabric.

    Favourite holiday food is probably gingerbread flavoured anything, but I don’t eat enough of it during the holidays. (Baked brie is also pretty fantastic. It’s a tough call, but gingerbread always reminds me of the holidays.)

  42. Hmm.. it’s a close tie between the fabric – which is fabulous – and another ruler.
    as for favorite food – probably a tie between gingerbread and mexican wedding cakes.

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