365 : 1

365 : 1

365 : bedside table

Happy New Year! I’ve just had three seriously relaxing (& luxurious) days off. They were much needed! Everyone is abuzz about doing the 365 photo project and I’ve decided to join in. This is just the push I need to start taking more photographs this year, hopefully with people in them, sometimes. I wish I took better people photos. I know that Anabela is doing it, any one else out there embarking on the challenge?

Perhaps now is a good time to share a few other goals I have for the coming year…

  • decorate. i’d like to spend more time working on projects for the house & shop. this includes acquiring and especially hanging more artwork. this also includes a very big project of re-doing the workroom’s couch in natural dyed fabrics. (with help from erin)
  • journal. (offline) i used to spend a lot of time working on a visual diary and i really miss it. at the very least, i’ve started a project/fabric diary.
  • grow. more herbs, vegetables and flowers. i also need to learn how to prune plants properly. i get scared to trim them and then they grow all wild and gangly.
  • preserve. i just started getting into it last year with pickles, canning tomatos and jam, but there is so much more to try!
  • quilt. especially hand quilting. i hope to start lots of fun quilting projects this year, but i especially want to finish this quilt. soon. ish.
  • natural dye. i’m completely fascinated and want to do make all kinds of things from naturally dyed fabrics. i’ve also just learned about solar dyeing and it’s the most beautiful process!


  1. Oh yay, I’m so excited! Your pictures are lovely. I hope it won’t be too difficult — these days there is so little light. Good luck! xo

  2. I just finished reading Plain and Simple by Sue Bender. She was really drawn to Amish quilts so she went to live with them for a while. You might like the book.
    Happy new year!

  3. love your goals for this year. i share some of them (herbs/growing) and some are new to me. i would be hard-pressed to take a photo each day although i look forward to yours and others. perhaps next year when my family and i are a bit more settled.

    happy new year! i’ve enjoyed your blog so much!

  4. Hi Karyn, happy new year to you! I’m enjoying being inspired by everyone with their 2010 lists of hopes and ambitions, best of luck with yours and I look forward to seeing your photos xx

  5. this is suuuch a greeeeeeeeeeeat idea!!!!
    i’m up for the challenge but i don’t download my images right away, so i’m taking the challenge on paper and drawing instead! also to improve on my drawing/painting YAYAYAYA this is all so exciting!

  6. Happy New Year Karyn and everyone at the workroom!

    This 365 photo-a-day project sounds so cool. I am definitely going to do this. Oh it’s so exciting. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Good luck with your 2010 goals. I am sure you will have no trouble achieving them.

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