I’ve missed you!

I’ve been busying myself this week with many things, including a fall cleaning at the workroom and a coat room makeover. Next week, I promise you lots of photos and completed projects.

I also got a new camera. (As the ever observant Melissa noticed) I just LOVE it! My degree is in Media Arts from Ryerson and my major was photography. Having the workroom and a flickr account has re-ignited my love of the camera. I’ve been using a little Olympus point and shoot, which takes great photos but has some serious limitations. (mostly silly rechargeable batteries that last for 5 photos) I’ve been saving up for months to upgrade to an DSLR. I did tons of research and read everything I could, but I was pretty set on something in the Nikon D-range. In the end I chose the Nikon D40 rather than one of the new models and got myself a plush lens, a Sigma 17-70mm. The lens does macro, since I never tire of getting in close on the tiny details of things. As you can see, Maisy is already bored with me taking photos of her every move.

Laural and Jen from goodEGG Industries did a lovely Toronto City Guide on Poppy Talk that you should check out. It covers Queen East and Queen West and mentions the workroom. Thanks Jen!

Lastly, I watched the latest episode of Gossip Girl last night. Can we dish about Jenny’s makeover? the Blair & Chuck saga? the artist love interest for Serena? Blair’s huge collection of lingerie?

Have a scary, fun weekend! Don’t forget about Daylight savings on Saturday night. I always do and end up being late or early the day after.


  1. i’ve missed your blog entries!

    hardeeharhar. i noticed because i’ve been wanting a dslr for so long and can tell which ones are taken with them! but my rule is, serger first, camera second.
    if i can only get both at the same time.

    i haven’t watched the latest episode of gossip girl. it’ll be my halloween treat!

    have a happy halloween!
    ps: maisy’s so cute.

  2. ummm
    The whole Little J story line bores me to tears.
    She looks ridiculous.

    I made Chris watch the Chuck Bass portions of the show so that he could see the clothes…the brown suit with rickracked (?) lapels and bow tie combo gave me shivers. Chris was unimpressed.

  3. I’ve missed your blogs too! I’m always slightly crestfallen when I log on at work and ’tis a entry I have read.
    Excellent photo of Maisy.
    I see from Flickr that you have a lot of new fabric in stock. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!!! I’m trying to save money but now I want it ALL.

    Am yet to catch up on GG. Hopefully before Sunday…

    See you this weekend. My wallet will see you too.

  4. melissa – oh, those are both really great things to covet. you will be soo happy when you get your serger!

    jill – i hate to admit, but i’m falling hard for chuck and in that suit he looked better than ever!

    charlotte – if i stopped buying fabric, the shelves would empty out and then you’d never visit me. i can’t have that! catch up on gg, so that we can chat in class while we’re making our cubes on sunday.

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