
I joined Pinterest a few weeks ago. The lovely Celine sent me an invite and now I’m completely hooked. I had heard about it months ago, but resisted joining for as long as possible.

What I LOVE about it is that it is an easy and organized way of collecting inspiration and it automatically links back to your original source. Brilliant.

Take a peek at some of my boards on Pattern, Fashion, Interiors, Patchwork and Colour. You’ll notice a new button in my blog’s side bar that will take you directly to my Pinterest page when you need a little inspiration and eye candy.

If you’re hooked on Pinterest too, let me know! Guilty pleasures are much better when shared with friends!


  1. Oh my gosh, that site looks awesome! I love that all of one’s interests can be included. The boards are beautiful to look at. I’ve requested an invitation. I am really looking forward to participating.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  2. So cool to be included in your side bar. Thanks for using Pinterest and joining the community. If you ever have problems or ideas to make it better ping me: ben – at-

  3. got an invite but don’t have a facebook account. says i need one. don’t want one but want to be on pinterest. so haven’t decided. but i love the site. i could look at it forever!

  4. Wow lots of yummy piccies, I like your crafty section 🙂 I just got a Tumblr account to save pictures I come across, have you tried Tumblr – any pros/cons in comparison?

  5. I am totally in love with Pinterest. I actually came across it because I noticed some of my photography and styling is on it. Sadly I don’t have an invite so I can’t share in the fun, although I am desperate too. Any tips on how to get an invite.
    Sophie x

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