
I don’t know what it is about this top, but I just love it. It’s so easy to wear, almost like a woven t-shirt of sorts. I made another version a few months ago from light blue gingham. I’m trying hard not to over use these tops in my rotation and I kind of want to make another one.

This version is made from a fabric I’ve had in my stash for over a year that has a vintage feeling and I especially love the little purple and blue accents. I changed up the sleeves this time and made them gathered with a bias trim. My goal was to make lots of tops and shorts this summer, but I haven’t been very motivated to sew shorts with the rainy weather we’ve been having. I am hoping the sun is going to make a strong appearance this week!

Happy Homemade Vol.3 : Top A1

Happy Homemade Vol.3 : Top A1


  1. So great, Karyn! that fabric is oh-so-cute. I have similar goals for making some warm-weather clothing soon. This is great motivation!

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