Stylish Dress Book 3 : Dress 'W', nani IRO

Stylish Dress Book 3 (available at the workroom)
Dress ‘W’ : nani IRO ‘Pocho’

This nani IRO double gauze fabric was one of those bolts that arrived at the shop one morning and by the time the shop closed that night, it was all gone. I’ve ordered more, of course. These huge polka dots are just too cute!

I envisioned a dress made from this fabric with a little gathered sleeve, so I went back and pulled out my pattern for Dress ‘W’ from Stylish Dress book 3. Instead of cutting out a yoke, I just put the two front pattern pieces together and cut a single front bodice piece. The rest of the dress is pretty simple. For the pockets, I used a lovely tiny stars prints. I think it goes perfectly.

One detail that I’m really happy with is that if you look at the sleeves, the polka dot colours match on each side. Love!

This is the first dress that I’ve made of the double gauze, I’ve mostly made tops. The one thing I’ve noticed is that with the fabric being so soft, if I have anything heavy in my pocket (ie. my iPhone) then the side seams pulls down a bit. Nothing major, just something I’ll keep in mind for the future.

I had cut two metres of this fabric and after making the dress, there was a little bit left. I didn’t want any of it to go unused, so I was able to make something else with the leftovers. I’ll share that project with you tomorrow!

Stylish Dress Book 3 : Dress 'W', nani IRO

Stylish Dress Book 3 : Dress 'W', nani IRO


  1. you kill me with the cute details! We have a similar bolt of nani iro but it’s ombre with purple/gray/black dots. I’d love to make a top with it but it seems kinda tricky to line up the gradations! I’ll just live through you 😉

  2. the often i see this dress the more i want to make it myself. just can’t get hold of that book. it’s nowhere to find. bummer. maybe i find something similar. it’s just too gorgeous!!

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