Chevron Friendship Bracelet

Looks like friendship bracelets are making a huge comeback this year. Personally, I’m really excited about it because it’s a sweet little gift that requires very little supplies and really no tools (except for a safety pin and scissors!) Portable, small crafts are also a bonus in the summer when you might want something to do in the car (as a passenger!), sitting in the park or hanging out with pals.

I started this bracelet a couple nights ago while watching tv. I went through my Cosmo floss collection and found that I mostly have pink and grey! I’m trying to do a super wide chevron pattern, using 8 different colours. I’m following the tutorial from Honestly WTF, but there is also a tutorial on Purl and if you’re really serious about it, we have a Japanese book dedicated to Misanga, which is what they call friendship bracelets. I’m working my way up to doing some of the fancy patterns like flowers and hearts!

Have you seen our Cosmo floss palettes? They are kinda perfect for this. We’ve selected some super cute combinations of colours. Just pick one of the sets and you’ll be ready to make a bunch of bracelets. I just created two that I’m totally in love with – City Rain and Lavender Fields. City Rain was inspired by this incredible photo of city lights reflecting off the pavement of a dark rainy night here in Toronto. My next bracelets will be using this palette. I can’t wait.

We’ve been having fun packing up orders from our new online shop and sending them out to new friends in Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Calgary, the US and all over Ontario. We’re learning lots, especially about shipping costs. Canada Post is so tricky. Our original shipping estimates were coming out really high, so we’ve been adjusting them as we figure out this new system. No matter what, we have been refunding everyone with the difference between the actual shipping cost and what they may have over paid. If you tried to buy something, but were worried when you saw the shipping totals, try again. They should be much more realistic now.

Also, I’m thinking that a friendship bracelet party would be a fun thing to do….

Cosmo colours in my bracelet : #475, #2222, #476, #472, #2224, #431, #226, #224

Cosmo Embroidery Floss Palette

Cosmo Embroidery Floss Palette


  1. Oh my, to see these again brings back lots of fond memories!
    We used to pin the bracelets- in-making to our jeans, and work on at any
    opportune moment in school, or when hanging out. Good fun!

  2. I loved making these bracelets! So excited to hear they’re making a comeback! Karyn, I love how you’ve branched out to so many different crafty things with your store. It’s really such an inspiration. Can’t wait to stop by soon!

  3. Friendship bracelets were the first thing I ever made and sold! Everyone in my elementary school wanted one, and they paid me $1 to make one for them!
    I’ve had the same issues with shipping, I’m in Canada too, and I can’t believe that it’s cheaper for me to ship to Australia than in Canada!!

  4. I am so glad this is trending right now. There’s nothing more fun than making friendship bracelets. I keep hinting at my friends to make me some.. a friendship bracelet party sounds like the best thing ever.

  5. Hello, I would like to know when are you going to have the Misanga Book to make this lovely friendship bracelets? I live here in Canada, 45 minutes from Toronto, when can I ordered it from your online shop?

    I love your blog and always get good ideas from you.

    Have a nice week!!

    1. hi patty – we’re expecting more copies to arrive very soon. i’ll get in touch when they are listed in the online shop!

  6. Thank you Karyn, i want to order other books from your store, but I will wait until that one is available. Are you getting any new Japanese pattern books for women and kids?

    Thanks again and I will be checking.


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