Mark's Field Study Quilt

Let’s not talk about the start date of this quilt. (November 2011). Let’s just focus on the fact that it is done and that I finally gave it to my brother for Christmas this year. Wait. But, then I took it back to add the label and just gave it back to him at Easter. Oh boy. But it’s DONE!

Despite the fact that this project has spanned over a year, it was really very quick to make. (If you don’t already have 10 quilts in progress, run a small business, etc etc)

It’s a little bit crazy, but I have 3 more gift quilts in my closet that are beyond overdue. Let’s take care of that this month, shall we?

Coincidentally, my brother told me he has been thinking of getting a hedgehog, so maybe the timing is actually perfect.

The Field Study Pattern is available here!

Mark's Field Study Quilt

Mark's Field Study Quilt

Mark's Field Study Quilt

Mark's Field Study Quilt


  1. It’s so striking! I was inspired to buy the pattern from the shop after seeing your first two rows back then, but haven’t made it yet – now I’m reinspired!

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