1. I love this tunic! WOW! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and have gone into your archives plenty but this it my first time seeing this one! Definitely need to make more 😉 I want those sleeves.
    Also, I’m glad you are posting your Me Made May outfits on your blog as I am not on instagram..and it’s so nice to see people’s handmade garments after they’ve been washed and worn a few times.

    1. Hi Anna – Thanks so much! I’m happy you’ve been able to follow along with Me Made May over here on my blog. This month is always a good reminder for me of what I’ve got in my closet and to look back on my past posts, so I thought it would be fun to link my May photos with their original photos and posts. I can’t believe some of these garments are going on seven years old!

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