Here it is! My very first online photo tutorial. This is a super easy project, that can spruce up your sad ironing board into something rather charming. If you’re following along, I’m working on making my ‘ironing stations’ more bright and cheery with pin boards and now cute ironing board covers. I thought I’d share the process with you in case you wanted to do the same thing.
It was harder than I thought, making sure every single step was documented. If something isn’t clear, please leave some comments. I’d love love love to hear what you think! (Especially if you like it & I’ll do more!)
that is so clear and concise.
thanks Karyn.
bring on more tutorials!!
I was so excited when I saw that you had posted a tutorial. I love the amount of detail here, and the pictures are so pretty! I look forward to more tutorials in the future!
Very clever!! The tutorial is excellent and I LOVE the fabric you chose. More tutorials, please! 🙂
awesome first photo tutorial karyn! can’t wait to see more yay
This is great – and a perfect project for the weekend. I really like the slideshow idea. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the super sweet feedback everybody. I’ve got a few more tutorials up my sleeve, so i’ll start working on them.
oh oh! i have been meaning to make this forever. super neat-o tute format will hopefully kick my sad craft ass into gear. thanks lady k.
Thanks Karin, this is great…new ironing board covers I buy for my really old ironing board never seem big enough, so now I’ll try this!Your tutorial format is pretty to view AND nicely explained…I’m looking forward to more!
i have to do this when i return to town. an ironing board cover has been on my to-do list forever. i am so happy i can just coat-tail on all your engineering.
Great tutorial! Thank you so much for it.
Hey, I was JUST wondering how you made those covers (and scheming about what fabric to use on my own)!
Yay, thank you!
One of my ironing boards is extra long and extra wide with fold outs on each side at the front of the board, sort of like a drop leaf table. Once you open those chrome sides up the front of the ironing board is as wide as the end. I’ve been going to make a cover for a while, however with the fold out sides a regular cover does’t work. Do you have any patterns for this style ironing board?
I have covered many ironing boards and sleeve boards over the years and always use a smoother fabric with a tighter weave. The fabric in the tutorial would leave nasty imprints on fine fabrics like silk or even cheap satin. It’s a great idea, but think about what you are ironing. g.
That’s a fantastic tutorial. And what a genius idea to sew the cord up in it instead of stringing through afterward (which is totally how I would have tried it).
i can´t see the tute! what could be the problem?
WOW! I am SO glad I found your blog! This tute is wonderful, I’ll be linking to this. And I’m adding your blog so I don’t miss a thing!
julie – i’m afraid i don’t have a pattern for that type of ironing board, have you tried making a pattern from your existing cover?
geneva – that’s a really good point. most of the ironing i do is cotton and i’ve found that fabric to be good. if i was doing more fine fabrics, then i’d definitely be better off with a smoother fabric. thanks for pointing that out!
wendy – i’ve had so many frustrating experiences trying to thread something through a small channel, this method makes it so much more pleasurable. thanks for visiting!
mon – i’m not sure what the problem is. i’ll email you to try to figure out what’s wrong.
rachel – hi! nice to meet you and THANK YOU for the link. i’m so happy to learn about your blog, too!
Hi Karin! Thank you for answering. I came back today and the images “magically” appeared, lol!
Nice tutorial, thank you!
this is the clearest, most straightforward tutorial on covers I’ve found yet. Thank you! You did a wonderful job.
Great tutorial. I so need a new ironing board cover – this is going on my crafty to do list.
Love the application you created the tutorial in too!
mon – yeah! i’m glad it fixed itself. thanks for coming back.
mandi – thanks for the compliment. i love knowing that it’s useful to others.
colleen – a new ironing board cover makes ironing so much more fun and it will make you smile every time you see it.
Very cool! I hope you don’t mind, but I posted a link to this project on my craft blog as a great way to use up extra fabric in your stash, and add color and design to everyday chores. I can’t wait to try this project myself.
Karen – awesome! thanks for the link and let me know how yours turns out.
I love this! I am going to try this at home! I was thinking I needed a new cover – and actually thought of buying one!
You directions are perfect!
Thnak You!
So easy to follow very clear instructions, I really like the way you have laid out the instructions. Thank you for the very neat idea.
Awesome! NOt only did you make a great irioning board cover – you took the time to photograph and write about it. Thank you so much – I know I’m going to need the information soon, my cover is getting a bit grundy. 🙂
This is the most clear, not to mention beautifully done tutorial I have seen yet. You have such a gift and I am so inspired to get crafty. Thanks for sharing!
What a fabulous tutorial! I have my material all set to go and will be making one this weekend. I’m so excited and really appreciate the time you put into making this for everyone to enjoy. Thank you!
Just wanted to say thanks for this great idea and fabbo tutorial! My husband and I both keep saying what a visual relief it is to have the ironing board recovered, and we never would have thought of doing it in a million years. I blogged about it recently and several people have commented how much they love the idea. You done good!
I am so glad I found this site, I have been trying to cover a sleeve board, by husband made for me. I have had it for years and just cut an old reg. cover and then kinda stitched on. It is wore out and I wanted to make a proper one. I am also wondering what you use for padding?
Your tutorial was so clear and I especially loved the slide show, looking forward to seeing more tutorials.
i never thought this little tutorial would be so helpful to so many people!
sadie – good question. i just cut a few layers of cotton batting, but you could likely also use something like Insul-bright, which is a thermal batting often used in oven mitts.
i’ve 2 more tutorials in the works and i should really finish them up!
Bravo! Great tutorial 🙂 I have been meaning to sew myself another ironing board cover for awhile, however I didn’t feel like going out and spending money on elastic. I’m glad you showed us how to do it with twine- now THAT I have laying around the house for free!
hey – I just finished this (almost, need some batting) and the only thing I thought was off was the 1/2 inch fold, it looks more like a whole inch, and it was really hard for me to pin 1/2 inch over so I just did an inch, and it’s perfect.
Just finished mine! Excellent tute…it was so easy to make with your instructions. Thanks!
This is fabulous. I’m so tired of staring at the hideous cover on my ironing board. I’m now inspired! Time to shop in my stash.
Great tutorial and I’m going to definitely making one tomorrow for my ironing board. Thank you.
Hi.. when you fold in the serged edge, is that really a 1/2 inch?? In the picture it looks more like 1 inch. I am just clarifying, I don’t want to have to unpick something.
hi michelle – as long as your cord for the drawstring can fit comfortably within the 1/2″ seam allowance, that is what i would use. If your cord is thicker, than you can adjust it to 3/4″. let me know how it goes!
Karyn!!! Turned out wonderful! I went with the half inch! A little bit wider where the button holes went. I reinforced the button holes with a little fusible interfacing. Love my new cute ironing board cover. Here is a direct link to a picture. http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c113/ChelleWeezie/DCP_2241.jpg
Thanks for posting such a great tutorial! I used it as one of my inspirations for mine. Please check out my cover (and my link to you) here http://stresstheseams.blogspot.com/2010/04/ironing-board-tutorial.html
Thanks so much for the tutorial! I just finished recovering my ironing board and it looks a million times better.
Thank you for this tutorial! I just finished my ironing board cover and was surprised at how easy it was. I thought that sewing the twine into the the channel with your zipper foot was absolutely genius. I hate threading stuff through channels with a safety pin–this was so much better.
Babe, you were my christmas present! Thank goodness for your totally balling tutorial. <3 <3 <3
Like your website! Just found it through ReadyMade. I work in a professional costume shop and when we recover our ironing tables, we pad the inside with quilting batting and thick cotton fabric to create a cushy, smooth layer to iron on. Makes a difference!
Love your tutorial. Very clear and concise!
Amazing tutorial, I made myself a new cover last week thanks to you! http://fernandfreckle.com/finished-ironing-board-cover/
brilliant! i am going to have this as my first sewing project!
i got to your site through celine at bonjour-celine. i have to say, i love your blog so much already! it fills me with inspiration and motivation!
– agata.
Hello, I love your ironing board tutorial and I hope you don’t mind but I linked back to it on Facebook page. It was too good not to share!