A lot of my internet surfing and blog reading has to do with coveting. Coveting and inspiration. I came across this photo by Something’s Hiding in Here. Since I already covet everything that Something’s Hiding in Here makes, I knew these magazines must be amazing. Coincidentally, I had just discovered Leslie’s blog the day before and Leslie is a source for all good things Japanese. I quickly emailed her and she promptly ordered me four issues and shipped them out to me last week before she left for a holiday to Hawaii. (lucky duck) They arrived within days. The postal system still amazes me.

My lovely brown box arrived packaged so sweetly with a few extra treats. It included a piece of Junko Onishi’s Bloom fabric & a piece of Lotta Jansdotter fabric, both of which I have been coveting for a long long time. This was way more than a ‘little’ goodness, Leslie!!

The magazines are delicious and I’m looking forward to really pouring through them over the weekend. Look at all the boxes and cupboards and just plain gorgeousness of every simple detail. Tiny little swing on a miniature plant?! Sigh. I love it all.

Have a lovely lovely weekend!


  1. awwww. me want. O_O

    i have a friend who is going oversea to asia this weekend. I have already gave him a shopping list of Japanese crafting books!! (let’s hope he remembers my list…)

  2. I saw these in person, SO CUTE! I love how these shatter the design myths that Japanese live some sort of minimalist zen lives… look at the clutter! They live in small spaces with lots of stuff.

    I also loved the picture (not shown) of the rubber boots as planters… You could copy something like this by spray-painting some boots white, or any color you like.

  3. That is brillant, I just ordered from leslie come home also! It just arrived the other day & is fantastic. I can’t wait & need to order all of them. May I suggest Fudge, it’s absolutely wonderful. You may enjoy it also.

  4. I just uploaded & posted the pics from the latest issue of fudge.I broke down & finally bought a subscription. I had leslie sending me that magazine also for awhile along with Milk which is another one I adore. It’s nice to know i’m not alone with my japanese obsession. PS. I so enjoy your blog. Next time i’m in toronto I have to stop buy your workshop:)

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