Lucky me! I actually won a giveaway a couple weeks ago from Fieldguided. I was so excited to win these Make Good craft books, as I’ve been eying them all around the internet wondering how I could get my hands on them.

The Make Good series translates Japanese craft books into English. What a brilliant idea!

The books are full of lovely ideas and I’ve marked many for future projects. I really really want to make some fruit & vegetable bags and I also like the wastebasket cover. Thanks, Anabela for such a great giveaway!


  1. I have *Linen Wool Cotton* in the original, untranslated version, and I have used and used and used it to death. How wonderful that it’s available in English, too. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

  2. Those books are a treat for the eyes. I have Linen, Wool, Cotton and plans to buy patchwork style. They also have a few more books coming in Oct. One focuses on young girl cloths – can’t wait to get my hands on it and make some things for my daughters.

  3. Yay! Aren’t they pretty? I went all the way to J-Town yesterday (Steeles & Victoria Park) to see if they had any crafty books at the Japanese Book Centre. They had one knitting book and one with pictures of people in their “everyday routines” (kind of like Come Home, I suppose) but that was it! So it’s nice to have these readily available!

  4. wow, I didn’t know that there were people out there who have been translating Japanese craft books. This is really good news for me! Thanks for posting about them, I will check out the link.



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