Saturday night Angelune invited me to have dinner with a few of her friends and Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge. Grace was in town to speak at the Interior Design Show. Over french fries and beer (orange juice for me) we chatted about favourite tv shows (I really have to get a hold of some Arrested Development episodes), rent prices in Toronto vs Brooklyn vs New York City vs Hoboken, and what a real poutine should consist of. We ate at the Gladstone Cafe and after dinner headed upstairs to see the Come Up to My Room show.

It was super crowded and quite hot, but we elbowed our way into each of the rooms, which were designed and decorated by different designers. It was awesome to see the show with Grace (who is just so incredibly sweet) and to see how excited she was by our local designers. Design*Sponge was the first blog that I ever read and it has been especially inspiring for me to watch the blog grow from something that Grace did part time to something that is now her full time job and business. She has been a major influence on me and my decision to make the leap to having my own business. It was definitely a thrill for me to meet her in person.

Angelune also introduced me to Derrick Hodgson who is my favourite local artist. His room was a delight and so was he. I took one of the free posters (so did everyone else) he was giving away as a placeholder until I buy myself one of his original paintings. (one day!)


  1. you have to see arrested development. I can’t tell you who I like the best in that show…all so hilarious!
    Your saturday evening sounded lovely! I can’t believe you met the creator of Design*Sponge! I would be star struck!

  2. I have a signed original Derrick Hodgson, but I still took a free poster… is that bad?

    Wasn’t the whole weekend rad?

    Design*Sponge has also been an inspiration to me, and was the reason I got involved with the TCA. When Jen put out an open call for help after her 2nd post, I was in! Sunday I was reflecting on how so many of my current friends have come to me through the TCA and crafting. It may even be fair to say it’s changed my life? that sounds cheezy but I wouldn’t be making as many things with as many people if it weren’t for the TCA and the connections I’ve made. aw….

  3. debbie – yeah!! i’m so excited to finally watch some arrested development.

    celine – saturday was really fun and grace was so lovely and down to earth. it was really nice to meet her in person after reading her blog for soooo long.

    angelune – no way, the more derrick, the better! the weekend was incredible and so jam packed. i feel so tired, but energized at the same time!

    i have the same feelings about TCA – life changing, it’s pretty amazing.

    wendy – thanks. i must be the last person on the planet to watch this show… i better get on it!

  4. awww, so much crafty love. and arrested development. (not related, i swear).

    i am sorry i missed this even more after the pics. that ice cream & crow collar is my fave.

  5. Hi, I’m one of the curators of the show. I just wanted to let you know there is a blog for the show:

    I will be posting some very nice photos of the show on the blog this week! Also we will be following the work of past and present participants and local artists and designers.

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