Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Some projects take a long time. A really long time. This project took about 5 years from start to finish.  (and about 5 months from final photos to blog post!) The amazing thing is that I love it even more now then when I started it.

It’s not that this was a difficult pattern. On the contrary, Johanna’s method of doing the Double Wedding Ring Quilt simplifies the process so much.  I loved this quilt so much, I really felt that I wanted to partially hand quilt it. The quilt ended up in the closet and got pushed to the bottom of my project list. I have learned to be careful with the projects that I decide to hand quilt knowing that it can really slow down completion.

Even still, I have no regrets on hand quilting this project. It really adds a lovely quality that just can’t be achieved any other way. I finished off the quilting by echoing inside the rings and continuing the ring pattern into the border on my sewing machine. I’m so happy with how the quilting turned out.

The fabric in this quilt are some true favourites. The kind of fabrics that that even today, I wish I had more of! Lots of Tula Pink ‘Neptune’, Anna Maria Horner ‘Good Folks’, and Anna Griffin grey lace for the background.

I almost forgot! I used wool batting for this quilt and it’s so lovely! The wool batting is more lofty and lightweight which is especially nice for hand quilting. I also just used some layers of wool batting to make a new bed for Maisy.

Feels pretty great to finish such a long term project. Feels even better to still be crushing on this quilt after all this time.

Looking back at my past posts on this project:
Double Wedding Ring Quilt Fabrics
Double Wedding Ring Arcs
Double Wedding Ring Blocks
Double Wedding Ring Update

Double Wedding Ring

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Double Wedding Ring Quilt Back

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Double Wedding Ring

Double Wedding Ring Quilt

Double Wedding Ring Quilt


  1. oh karyn, just spectacular. it’s hard for me to understand how anyone could spend so long handquilting when there is plenty of good knitting to be done in this world, but to each his own! the results are stunning, as usual, but this time, particularly so. what is the end destination of this quilt? i hope you’re keeping it!

  2. It looks amazing, the down side is that I don’t really like quilting and you got me thinking about making one for or next wedding day.
    THe fabric and the pattern work really well together and the quilting is perfect. Amazing work.

  3. Hand quilting is aboslutely the best. What you have created is an heirloom and you will never ever be tired of it. It is so beautiful and I am glad to see it on the internet. More I say – more more more hand stitched pieces like this. Congratulations.

  4. What a beautiful quilt. I just finished my double wedding ring top and was agonizing over how to quilt the borders. I love how yours turned out stitching the pattern into the border and that’s what I’m going to do. Thank you so much!

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