Sorry for making you wait an extra day for this announcement, but I had one of ‘those’ days yesterday. The kind where it rains all day and your umbrella breaks when you’re carrying a few bags of groceries and walking the dog, so you both arrive home completely wet, knowing that you have to spend the rest of your day off trying to do bookkeeping but will hardly put a dent in it. Ah well, that day is now over and today I’m so happy to announce the two winners from my Uppercase Magazine contest. They are commenter #1 – Angelune and commenter #13 – Emily!!!!

One of my favourite things about doing contests is getting to hear YOU guys talk. It’s amazing! You should all have a collective blog or perhaps you should all just talk some more here. I seriously love all the things you guys are curious about. There seemed to be lots of gardening curiosity which I will certainly be talking about more and more as the weather gets warmer.

Here are a few more sneak peeks at the magazine. I’ve ordered more copies for the shop. We sold out very quickly over the weekend. If you’re interested in reserving a copy, just send me an email or leave a comment here.

Uppercase Magazine


  1. Yesterday was such an icky day! Everyone was grumpy, including me — I hate getting rained on for 40 minutes straight!

    The winners are very lucky. That magazine is a gem!

  2. Oh I can’t wait until I get back to the States so I can subscribe to Uppercase (or maybe I should just make a detour to lovely Canada)! Congrats to the winners and congrats to your mention in the magazine 🙂

    And I know what you mean about umbrellas and rain – they always break just when you need them. I once had an umbrella break as I was opening it: the spokes just popped out and fell all over the place and the cloth fell to ground in a crumpled heap; the only thing left intact was the handle. Embarrassing T_T

  3. Can I reserve a copy of the next order? For Erika Annmarie. I’ll pick it up next time you post that they are in. 🙂


  4. Awwwwww nuts 🙁 Lucky girls. Congrats to them both.

    I’ll have to get a copy of the mag next time I’m in.

    Thanks Karyn for having another awesome contest.

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