
Doing the 365 project has got me thinking a lot more about photography. I’ve also been reminiscing about my days at Ryerson in the Media Arts program. My major was photography, so I spent a lot of time taking photos and even more time working in the darkroom developing prints. The red light bulbs, the vinegary smell, and making test strips to determine proper exposure… things have changed so much since then.

One of my courses in school was a computer graphics class, where we spent the entire semester writing code to create a program that would literally do what a Photoshop filter can do in 3 seconds. Seriously! I’ll confess, I never wrote that program but ‘borrowed’ a friend’s. I must have known at the time what a ridiculous exercise that was.

I don’t often spend much time doing post production on my photographs, mostly just adjusting the colour balance and exposure. Surfing around in the last few weeks I’ve been hearing more and more about Photoshop Action Sets that you can download and use to create fun effects on your images. My favourite find so far is Pioneer Woman. I downloaded her free action sets and used the ‘Seventies’ action to create these vintage photos of the workroom. Another blog with great free actions is Coffee Shop. It’s very easy to get carried away with these, but it’s pretty fun in moderation.

While I’ve discovered lots of random tidbits here and there, I haven’t found any solid photography blogs to subscribe to. Do you have any that you read?

I’ve been following Adele’s 365 and am excited by her new interview series based on photography.

Lead Glass




  1. Were you in more of a techy photo major? That sounds very much like some of the things we did while I was at RIT (in a more technical photo program).

  2. You can also get an app for your iphone – the one I use is called Camera Bag. There is a 70s filter on camera bag, it’s also my fave – I love this pic of my dog.
    Usually I use, there are lots of effects, but I’m definitely going to check out the ones you mentioned.
    There are a few photo blogs I follow, like day19, Sandra Juto, fine little day, but these are just about pretty pictures, not about how to make them. Photojojo is ok for some ideas and it’s cute.

  3. When I first saw your photos on Flickr, I was wondering how your images got to look all vintage-y! They are so lovely, thanks for sharing your secret!

  4. That’s funny — I’ve been trying actions too, but I was hesitant. Sometimes it’s just so overdone! I don’t know if you read the blog A Little Sussy, but she once said “Stop your action madness!” and it keeps repeating in my head. It can take a dull picture and make it a little more interesting sometimes.

  5. Congratulations on the beautiful photographs. I have enjoyed following your 365.

    PS – I spy with my little eye some lovely pink Hope Valley fabric! Very exciting!

  6. The only two photography sites (how-to’s vs just eyecandy) in my reader are Digital Photography School and Strobist. DIY Photography is also fun, and I might eventually subscribe to it.

    And I miss the days of film too… are you going to convert one of the Workroom’s bathrooms into darkroom as your 2010 project?!

  7. adobe lightroom is another great program if you are interested in doing more post production with your photos. I have just started using it myself, wanting to make my 365 photos better. there are also filter sets you can download for the program too.

    lightroom is less intrusive than photoshop in terms of making adjustments to your photo files.

  8. thank you for all your wonderful blog suggestions. i’ve added oodles of them to my googlereader.

    ellen – our program wasn’t really techy, it was just a long time ago! thank goodness, cuz i’m not a techy person at all.

    michelle – hmm, a darkroom at the workroom?! thanks for putting that idea into my head!

    tina – i’ve been thinking of trying lightroom. do you shoot your files in RAW?

  9. Hi There,

    I am not surprised that you have a baackground in art. I’ve been enjoying your 365photos as much as I do your sewing posts.

    It’s easy to get lost in the photoblogs out there.

    I like But if you check out there are some photoblogs up for nomination worth checking out. Also and

  10. Hooray for Pioneer Woman! Aren’t her actions great! I discovered them recently and have been having lots of fun. I like the basic sharpening one she has, it really adds a crispness to my photos. I will add some of those to my flickr soon. Thanks for the info about the Coffee Shop! Love how your 365 is shaping up. Bravo!

  11. no, i shoot in jpgs. i think it depends on how much post production you want to do with your photos. raw files would give you more leverage over jpgs. i am trying to learn to use my dslr properly instead of relying on post production… tho all the filter sets are super fun and it is so easy to get carry away!!

    also, raw files are so much larger than jpgs. it would probably kill my harddrive in no time…

  12. Lovely pictures! I love PW’s actions too, I use the 70s action on literally every photo I take! I have to remind myself not to overdo it though, I think I still need to tone it down a lot 🙂 It’s so easy to get carried away with these great actions!

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