
About two months ago, we discovered that Maisy had a high grade soft tissue sarcoma. Cancer. We were sent to the University of Guelph for more tests and to speak to an Oncology team. While University of Guelph is the best place for treatment in Ontario, we were told that our only curative treatment option for Maisy was in Madison, Wisconsin. We were recommended to take her for a month long radiation treatment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We made up our minds pretty quickly that we wanted Maisy to have the best care and the best chance possible. We packed up the car and drove out to Wisconsin within a few days. We had absolutely no idea what to expect from this trip. Our month in Madison was heartbreaking, fun, sad, quiet, tiring, full of discovery, love and adventure. I will never forget all those days we were able to spend together as a family.

I think the photos tell the full story best. The entire Madison photo set is here.

The UW School of Veterinary Medicine is an incredible facility that is highly regarded for a reason. They are the best. We are so thankful to them for their loving care of Maisy while she was with them. Maisy has pet insurance and we know now that it is the best one out there. Trupanion.

We are back home now in Toronto. Maisy’s next stages of treatment will continue back at University of Guelph. It’s good to be home.


Jacobs II House



Frank Lloyd Wright's former grave

Black Walnut Chalet


Playing in the tall grass

Radiation Therapy & Physical Rehabilitaion Clinc

Radiation pillow

Apply 3-5 times a day




Simplicity 2215 Skirt : Manchester


New toy from the workroom girls!

Wiksten Tanks drying





Please give me that treat


  1. that was an amazing experience to observe via your photos. im glad to see you all are back home and on to the next stage of treatment.

  2. Glad to hear that Maisy’s treatment is moving forward well. So many people don’t even realize that pet insurance exists, so seeing your little pet insurance shout out makes me really happy as a future vet!

    You may have been already, but if you’re looking for a good restaurant the next time you’re in Guelph, Artisanale is really great. The rhubarb tarte is out of this world.

  3. Karyn, I’ve been thinking of you, and of the darling Maisy, lots since I first learned that you were taking her to Madison for treatment. I know all too well how stressful how doggy illness is, as Stella picked up a chronic and incurable systemic fungal infection during her first year and it’s been a struggle ever since, both emotionally and financially.

    I’m going to check out your insurer, since the one that Stella was with as a puppy had pretty low lifetime limits, so I gave up. Perhaps the next pup will be better insured! Love to you all. (And sloppy kisses from Stella!)

  4. Welcome home to you all! We’ve been thinking of Maisy and we’re happy to hear that you’re moving forward with her next set of treatments. Sending you hugs,

  5. I’ve been following your Madison photos via Instagram, and it’s wonderful to see that you’re back home. Having a sick pet is always so stressful, I’m glad that Maisy is home and moving on to the next stage of her care.

  6. oh! I hope she is feeling better! side note: I have a childhood friend that is a people doctor in Madison. My mother went to visit, and told me about all the bike paths. I can’t wait to go sometime. Maybe in the fall…

  7. All my love to you and Maisy. Our pets really are part of the family and I love that you did this for Maisy. I just showed Hugo (our Cairn Terrier) Maisy’s quilt, and now I think he wants one too! All the best for good health and happiness.

  8. I hope Maisy is feeling better and wish her/all of you the best. The photos made me cry, she has such expressive eyes and they really reflect the happy/sad/difficult/trying time you had.

  9. my heart goes out to you and your little family. I’m glad that she will be going on to the next round of treatment and that it is closer to home. I loved and hated following your journey on instagram. I will never forget the day the vet called to day that my fuzzy baby had cancer. It was removed and he is fine now but I’m crying just thinking about it. So I’m sending all of my positive thoughts to you and ours. She will be fine. With that kind of love how could she not.

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