I’ve been looking back at photos of the shop over the last year, I thought you might like to see how much things have changed since I first opened up last fall. In the beginning there were just four cubes of fabric shelving that were quite sparse. Look at how much the fabric collection has taken over in the last year! Most days, I wish there was even more space for more fabric. I suppose it’s good to have some limits, but don’t be surprised if you see some more shelving and more fabric soon. I can’t help myself.

I finally got some good photos of dress 13. In all the hectic-ness of the anniversary party, I didn’t get any suitable photos that showed off the pattern. I know I keep saying so, but it’s coming up soon!


  1. Happy anniversary and congratulations on the feature in this weekend’s Globe! I’ve really enjoyed taking classes at The Workroom and now I’m enjoying this blog for crafty inspiration.

  2. ah all the fabric is wonderful! keep on buying them, karyn. hehehe 🙂
    can’t wait to see your post on dress 13! it’s awesome that i got to see it!

  3. Hi Karyn!

    I just wanted to say congrats again on your one year anniversary and on the great photo and article in the Globe. Thanks for making Parkdale a cheery destination!

    PS – My friend Holly makes terrariums with fabric mushrooms – given your craft to do list – I think your would like. They are awesome, I will try to send you a photo!

  4. marnie – hi! thanks so much. i was so proud of the gorgeous quilt you made. hope you’re still sewing and hope to see you soon!

    melissa – oh dear, i just ordered even more japanese fabric today!

    shiralee – hi! thanks so much, i’m lucky to be in such a great location with so many loyal supporters, like you!

    fabric mushroom terrariums?!!! i must see this!

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